65-Point Plan for Sustainable Living
Installation version: 65 Lambda prints face/back-mounted to acrylic, 10" x 7" each
Postcard edition: Boxed-set of 65 offset postcards, edition of 250, 6" x 4" each
Documentation: Fleisher/Ollman Gallery (Philadelphia, PA), McLean Project for the Arts (McLean, VA) and Pearson International Airport (Toronto)
65-Point Plan for Sustainable Living exists as a collection of sixty-five aerial images depicting every Canadian Province and US State. Each image portrays a single subdivision that has been digitally reconstructed into an enclosed geographical space - with no roads leading in or out. As an installation, these images are displayed to loosely reflect their original geographic and spatial relationship – functioning as a re-mapping of Canada and the USA. These images are printed as Lambda prints and are face and back-mounted to clear acrylic. As a multiple, these sixty-five images exist as a limited edition boxed-set of offset postcards.